
This module supports scanning, injecting and fuzzing CAN-bus frames via socketcan compatible adapters.


can.recon on

Start CAN-bus discovery.

can.recon off

Stop CAN-bus discovery.


Clear everything collected by the discovery module.

Show a list of detected CAN devices.

can.dbc.load NAME

Load a DBC file from the list of available ones or from disk.


Parse FRAME_EXPRESSION as ‘id#data’ and inject it as a CAN frame.


If an hexadecimal frame ID is specified, create a randomized version of it and inject it. If a node name is specified, a random message for the given node will be instead used.


Parameter Default Description
can.device can0 CAN-bus device.
can.dump Load CAN traffic from this candump log file.
can.dump.inject false Write CAN traffic read form the candump log file to the selected can.device.
can.filter Optional boolean expression to select frames to report.
can.parse.obd2 false Enable built in OBD2 PID parsing.
can.transport can Network type, can be ‘can’ for SocketCAN or ‘udp’.


Read, write and fuzz raw frames

The very basic of CAN-bus functionalities. Set your device and enable the module to start reading raw frames:

set can.device /dev/can0

can.recon on

You can also load and replay a dump previously captured with candump:

set can.dump obd2-candump-2023-11-22_031813.log

can.recon on

Inject raw frames as id#hex-data:

can.inject 0#aabbccddee

Or generate random ones for fuzzing with can.fuzz id size:

can.fuzz ff 8

And show a list of the detected ECUs:

Load your own DBC files, decode traffic and fuzz with them

You can also use CAN-bus database files that describe a specific protocol, in which case bettercap will use it to automatically parse every frame on the bus (css-electronics and have some very good ones):

set can.device /dev/can0

can.dbc.load css-electronics/obd2-pack-v5/obd2-dbc/CSS-Electronics-11-bit-OBD2-v2.2.dbc

can.recon on

When running with a DBC, you’ll also be able to use use it for fuzzing. For instance, to generate a specific message given its id, with randomized content:

can.fuzz 12

To instead pick a random message from a specific ECU and generate its contents randomly:

can.fuzz ECU_name

Decode OBD2 PIDs with builtin decoder

Alternatively to using a DBC, if you work with OBD2 standard PIDs, you can just enable the builtin PID parser:

set can.device /dev/can0
set can.parse.obd2 true
can.recon on